The colors, the shapes, the aroma!!! Lilies are truly remarkable and are one of the most popular flowers in the world. Due to centuries of crossbreeding and hybridization, numerous breathtaking varieties have been created, all of which fall into one of nine different classes. Check out the different classes of lilies beautiful examples of each.
Basic Lily Facts
Some flowers that have “lily” in their names, such as Calla lily, Daylily, or Water lily, are not “true lilies.” Only those blooms that are members of the genus Lilium are true lilies, and they are easily identifiable as they all have six petals and six anthers (the oval sack contains pollen). Lilies generally have large blooms and come in a wide range of colors. Some lilies are extremely fragrant, while others have no scent at all.
Throughout history, the lily has often been associated with royalty and considered the embodiment of purity, grace, fertility, and rebirth. Lilies have a certain regal-ness and pureness about them which makes them a popular flower in important ceremonies such as weddings, celebrations, and coronations.
Lily Classifications & Examples
Pink Pixie Lilies
Division 1: Asiatic Hybrid – Most popular lilies in the world. Come in almost every color but have little to no scent. Attractive and long-lasting. (Tango, Forever Susan, Orange Pixie Lily, Elodie Lily, Lollipop).
Turk’s Cap Lily
Division 2: Martagon Hybrid – Dramatic, visually interesting, produces dainty downward-facing blossoms. Flowers can be numerous with 40-50 per stem and strikingly colored. (Turk’s Cap).
Madonna Lily
Division 3: Candidum Hybrid – Famous for the Madonna lily that has a lovely fragrance, white flowers, and a yellow base. Up to 20 blossoms per stem. (Madonna).
Tiger Lily
Division 4: American Hybrid – Includes hybrids of wild lilies in North America. (Tiger Lily).
Easter Lilies
Division 5: Longiflorum Hybrid – Famous for the Easter lily. Elegant with pure white petals and trumpet-shaped. Bloom during Easter. (Easter Lily).
African Queen Lily
Division 6: Trumpet and Aurelian Hybrids – Tall and elegant with fragrant flowers and stunning trumpet-shaped flowers. Popular cut flowers, becaasue they are lush, large, and have a sweet fragrance. (African Queen).
Stargazer Lily
Division 7: Oriental Hybrid – Known for large, robust, upright flowers. Vibrant with a strong, enchanting fragrance. (Stargazer, Casablanca, Acapulco Lily).
Orange LA Hybrid Lily
Division 8: Interdivisional Hybrids – Includes hybrids of the previous seven divisions.
Wild Yellow and Red Lily
Division 9: Species – There are the pure, wild “parents” of the previous 8 hybrids.
By now you hopefully realize just how awesome lilies are. There’s a lily perfect for every person and every occasion! Here at Blossom Flower Shop, we have an excellent selection of lilies and other gorgeous flowers for you to choose from whenever you want to brighten someone’s day or lift their spirits.