Blossom Flower Shops

Blossom Flower Shops

Posted by Kevin Kegan on June 6, 2014 | Last Updated: August 18, 2014 Uncategorized

It’s the Month of the Rose! Some Interesting Facts about this Beautiful Flower!

Roses are more than just a romantic gesture. As one of the most popular flowers since 500 BC, roses are an inseparable feature of modern world culture. The Persians cultivated them for their beauty, taste, and supposed healing powers, while the the ancient Chinese lords allowed them to flourish amongst their golden estates. Today, roses continue to be an international symbol of love, lust, and romance. With these interesting facts, you will further appreciate the world’s greatest gift!

Symbolic Throughout the Ages

Roses have been ingrained into worldwide culture through art, language, and even medicine. Roses remain the most painted flower, and the best examples can be found in the works of Renoir, Monet, and Picasso. Before these paintings, the flower was the symbol of numerous Goddesses including Aphrodite and Venus. Both of these Goddesses represent love and lust in their perfect forms, and it is only natural that their symbol is the fresh and vibrant rose.

Language has also been affected by the rose’s vital beauty. Rose wine is light and sweet, “rose-tinted glasses” are applied to anyone who sees the world as better than it is, and you’d be hard pressed to find a romantic poem or song without a reference to roses.

Ancient cultures believed the rose to be the key to eternal health and youth. They weren’t far from the truth as parts of the rose contain a very large amount of antioxidants and essential vitamins. Rose vapors are also used in traditional Chinese medicine to clear headaches and stress.

Healthy and Delicious

Ancient Mediterranean cultures have often infused their water and teas with rose seeds and rose hips. Walk into any Persian cafe today and you will likely find cold water infused with rose seeds. Even though the recipe is thousands of years old, rose seeds contain a high amount of vitamin C and have a delectably light taste making it the perfect Summertime drink. You can also find traces of roses in jams, wines, and in numerous perfumes. Like the rose itself, these foods and items are sweet, delicate, and perfect for any occasion!

Whether in a vase, painting, or cup of tea, roses are an integral part of modern society. With historic origins, roses will undoubtedly continue to be symbols of love, affection, and beauty. Since June is the month of roses, give your lover a magical gift of red, white, or pink roses today!