Owner, Kevin Kegan and manager, Kathie Murphy presented at Hofstra University on March 12, 2008. They spoke to a business class about their Family Business. The professor tries to make the classroom as close to the real world of business as possible, so he invited some real-world business people to speak. The class is about critical issues involved in transition planning from one owner to another in family businesses. Kevin and Kathie found it extremely enlightening to meet and share some of Blossom Flower Shops experiences with such wonderful inquiring minds. The students wrote some responses that are posted below.
Hofstra Student RESPONSES: What I learned from Kevin Kegan and Kathie Murphy:
Ulisesa Carbajal wrote -“I think the management style used by Kevin is crucial because he delegates duties as a manager/owner. The most impressive thing about the speakers was their passion for the business. This to me was crucial because people who love what they do tend to prosper more.”
Nick Castellara wrote – “Thank you for spending time to visit us. It was great to actually hear firsthand how our education relates closely to the full-time working life. Even though we have great teachers, having a person with experience speak about management was very beneficial.”
John wrote – “Firstly, I would like to thank you when you talked about your own experiences in your business it was very helpful and provided me with some different views. One day I will take over my fathers business and run my own family business and to hear the growing process from you was inspirational.”